Identifying trees in the non-leaf seasons can be fun. Often, it is easier. However, the differences between species are sometimes more subtle and we have to look at parts of the tree we dont usually pay much attention to. Key features are bark, twigs, and buds. However, other features are sometimes important, such as branching patterns, overall form, habitat, and taste. Once in awhile we can use leaves on the ground or brown leaves that still remain on the tree. But you need to be sure the fallen leaves are really from the tree you're looking at! Working these keys takes practice.
Be careful to READ THE DESCRIPTIONS CLOSELY and CAREFULLY! Carefully compare the descriptions with your sample and your memory of what the tree and habitat looked like. Remember that words such as "often" and "usually" do NOT mean "always". It is best to use a mature tree, or one that is not a seedling or sapling. Deciding if a small tree is just a shrub or if it is a young tree can be difficult. The appearance of a tree sometimes changes quite a bit as a tree ages (kind of like people). If you click on underlined, blue words, you will link to the glossary for a definition of that word. Underlined blue and CAPITALIZED words are names of trees that will link you to another page with several similar species.
If youre not sure how to use a tree identification key like this, click here. (read the instructions!).
1. Opposite
branching. (2)
1. Alternate branching. (10)
2. Twigs often stout
but never reddish. Dark terminal
buds, sometimes large. Leaf scars
are large. Ashes. (3)
2. "Normal" or slender twigs. Maples & shrubs. (4)
3. Chocolate brown terminal bud. First
set of side buds close to the terminal. Leaf
scar has a distinct notch in the top. Bark is tight, furrowed in larger
trees. WHITE
3. First set of side buds usually set back 1/8 to 1/4 inch from terminal bud. Leaf
scar slightly notched. Bark flakes off easily when rubbed. Swampy habitat.
3. Side buds tight against the terminal
bud. Leaf scar top straight across. Twig ends
tend to be somewhat flattened. Branching looks somewhat droopy. Bark often has
many horizontal cracks. GREEN
4. Tree size, at least 4" diameter & 30 feet tall. (5)
4. Shrub size.
5. Youngest twigs reddish or purplish. (6)
5. Youngest twigs gray or brownish. (7)
6. Terminal
buds blunt and rounded. Twigs often with a
gray or bluish powder. Bark medium brown and tight.
Tree often with poor form. BOXELDER
6. Terminal buds reddish
and blunt. Female flower buds, if present, occur
in clusters. Bark is smooth and gray on young trees, becoming flaky or shaggy
on large trees. RED
7. Terminal
buds blunt and rather brownish.
Twigs smell somewhat bad when crushed. Bark smooth and gray on young trees,
becoming loose and peeling upward. Usually along river corridors or planted
as an ornamental. Rare. SILVER
7. Terminal buds quite sharp and pointy.
Slender twigs, gray or medium-brown. Bark smooth and gray on young trees, becoming
textured, thick, deeply fissured
but always tight on large trees. SUGAR MAPLE
8. Bark light colored, brown or yellowish or bark is red-purple. VIBURNUMS,
8. Bark medium to dark gray or greenish, may be striped. (9)
9. Bark greenish with heavy white stripes. Buds much longer than wide, blunt.
9. Bark gray and smooth. Bud length about twice the twig width. MOUNTAIN
9. Bark gray and smooth. Twigs end in spines. BUCKTHORN
10. Twigs with thorns or spines. (11)
10. Twigs without thorns.
11. Tree. (12)
11. Shrub.
12. Thorns under 1/4 inch and located in the crotches of twigs and branches.
12. Thorns longer. Twigs with a distinct "zig-zag" appearance.
An ornamental. Rare. HONEYLOCUST
13. Thorns dark purple and at least 2 inches long. HAWTHORNE
13. Twigs that end in sharp points/spines. Stems medium gray. BUCKTHORN
14. Terminal buds in clusters. (15)
14. Terminal buds single
or absent. (18)
15. Very stiff, smooth twigs. Medium to dark gray. Bark dark. (16)
15. Twigs normal stiffness, light to medium gray. Bark medium gray. (17)
16. Bark smooth and gray on young trees, fissured with
flattened ridges on older trees. Usually a reasonably well-formed trunk. NORTHERN
16. Similar bark but without flattened ridges on older trees. Inner bark
yellowish. Usually a scrubby-looking tree growing on sandy sites. NORTHERN PIN OAK
17. Twigs with corky or warty ridges. Bark thick, even on young trees. Acorns
with a fuzzy cup. Rare. BUR OAK
17. Twigs without growths and often greenish-maroon-brown. Acorn cups without
fuzz. Rare. WHITE
17. Twigs slender and bitter. Usually a shrub. PIN
18. Bark papery or mostly smooth (especially higher up in large trees). (19)
18. Bark mostly rough/textured/shreddy/etc. (32)
19. Bark papery.
19. Bark mostly smooth, especially higher up in large trees. (21)
20. Papery bark white. Smallest twigs purplish or dark brown. PAPER
20. Papery bark yellow or bronze. Smallest twigs gray. YELLOW
21. Tree size (over 20 feet or so). (22)
21. Shrub or small tree size (under 20 feet or so). (27)
22. Bark color medium gray to dark gray. (23)
22. Bark color mostly white, light-gray, or olive-gray. (24)
23. Bark black & scaly, like burnt potato chips. Buds sharp-tipped. BLACK
23. Buds much longer than wide, cigar-shaped, brown. Smooth bark even
on large trees. BEECH
24. Red or maroon buds that are roundish and shiny. BASSWOOD
24. Buds quite gummy when squeezed, usually over 1/2 inch long. (25)
24. Buds not gummy, under 1/2 inch. (26)
25. Buds very gummy, reddish brown. BALM-of-GILEAD
25. Buds somewhat gummy, yellowish brown. COTTONWOOD
26. Bark bright white to light-gray, sometimes slightly greenish. Buds
shiny and 1/8 inch long. Side buds hug twig close. Very common tree. QUAKING ASPEN
26. Bark can be light-gray sometimes with an olive-green cast. Buds dull,
usually between 1/8 and 1/4 inch long. Side buds slightly point away from twig.
Common, but less common than quaking aspen. BIGTOOTH
27. Twigs not bitter.
27. Bitter twigs.
28. Terminal buds
absent or "false" terminals cocked at a sharp angle. SHRUB WILLOWS
28. Terminal
buds present. (29)
29. Trunk sinewy, like muscles. Uncommon. MUSCLEWOOD
29. Bark gray & cherry-like. Terminal
buds hairy, about 3/8 inch long. Orange berries might be leftover from the Fall.
29. Terminal
buds brick red, smooth, and about 1/8 inch long. Trees often grow in clumps. (45)
30. Lower trunk bark black & scaly like burnt potato chips or showing
cracks. Small buds sharp. BLACK
30. Bark mostly smooth.
31. Bark smooth and gray with wide lenticles across stem. Terminal bud length 1-2 times width. SHRUB
31. Bark smooth and gray. Terminal bud length more than 4 times width. JUNEBERRY
32. Bark cross-section noticeably layered (break off a thick piece). (33)
32. Bark cross-section not noticeably layered. (35)
33. Bark layers the same color. Inner bark slimy when chewed. Buds dark, almost
33. Bark layers red & white (or light & dark). (34)
34. Large trees with vase-like form. Terminal bud distinctly cocked to
one side and pointed. AMERICAN ELM
34. Older twigs with corky growths. Buds very sharp-pointed. Rare. ROCK
35. Older twigs have bark ridges on them. Rare. HACKBERRY
35. Twigs do not have bark ridges. (36)
36. Dark bark is scaly and looks like "burnt potato chips". (37)
36. Bark doesnt look like above. (38)
37. Twigs gray with sharp-tipped terminal buds. BLACK CHERRY
37. Twigs with overlapped scales. Look for small cones. A conifer without
needles. TAMARACK
38. Twigs very stout. (39)
38. Twigs normal size or slender, but not stout. (41)
39. Yellow terminal bud. Pith not chambered. BITTERNUT
39. Leafylooking terminal bud.
Chambered pith. (40)
40. Chambered pith
chocolate-brown. Uncommon. BUTTERNUT
40. Chambered
pith light brown. Rare. BLACK WALNUT
41. Smaller understory tree, shreddy bark. IRONWOOD
41. Shrub or tree. Bark textured on trees & larger shrubs. (42)
42. Willow-like. No terminal buds or
"false" terminal buds cocked at a sharp angle. Side buds without scales
and pressed to the twig.
42. Not willow-like.
43. Shrub size. SMALL
43. Tree size. Yellowish twigs. Can grow to very large diameters. (44)
44. Common in ditches and along roads. Fissured bark.
Yellow colored twigs, droopy, rather brittle. BLACK
44. Uncommon. Twigs as above but flexible. Small tree or large
45. Buds rounded & red or quite sticky. (46)
45. Buds brownish. Bark in upper tree smooth and either white or light gray. (47)
46. Buds round and red, about 1/8 inch in size. Bark medium-dark
46. Buds quite sticky and much longer than wide. (48)
47. Bark bright white to light-gray, sometimes slightly greenish. Buds shiny
and 1/8 inch long. Side buds hug twig close. Very common tree. QUAKING ASPEN
47. Bark can be light-gray sometimes with an olive-green cast. Buds dull, usually
between 1/8 and 1/4 inch long. Side buds slightly point away from twig. Common,
but less common than quaking aspen. BIGTOOTH
48. Buds very gummy, reddish brown. Bark cracked up & down
(smooth on small trees). BALM-of-GILEAD
48. Buds somewhat gummy, yellowish brown. Bark fissured. COTTONWOOD
Some species not covered in this key but included in the species description pages are: pears, plums, black maple, Norway maple, elderberries, weeping willow, pussy willow, and Bebb's willow.
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This site created and maintained by Bill Cook, MSU Extension Forester for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Editing and modification is ongoing. Submit suggestions, questions, and corrections to cookwi@msu.edu or call 906-786-1575.
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