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Buttercups (Ranunculus spp.) 

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Buttercups are very common throughout Michigan.  The bright yellow, bowl-shaped flowers are familiar to most people, although individuals species are more difficult to identify.  Flowers are usually single or in loose groups of a half-dozen or so.  Buttercups grow across a wide range of sites, from roadsides to ponds.  There are about 20 species with at least a half-dozen very common ones.  There are also five species appearing on Michigan's threatened plant list.  Several are exotics from Eurasia and others occur around the northern hemisphere. 


yellow_flower_md_wht.gif Return to the Yellow Flower Page, or to the Michigan Invasive Plant Council home page.

This website is maintained by Bill Cook in cahoots with the Michigan Invasive Plant Council (MIPC).  The MIPC is a loose group of folks (not necessarily a group of loose folks!) working to make information available about invasive plants in Michigan and related issues.  If you have questions or comments about the information on this page, contact Bill

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