wpe14.jpg (18115 bytes)

You selected:  "Single" needles
that are flattened with white lines.

  4.  Are the needles about a half-inch long,
        with a tiny stem attaching
        the needle to the twig? 
PICicon.jpg (1038 bytes)
        If so, try eastern hemlock.


  4.  Are the needles 3/4 to 1-1/4 inch long 
        without a short stem attaching
        the needle to the twig?
        If so, try balsam fir?

If you're not sure what the words mean,
click on the
wpe15.jpg (1050 bytes) icon to see a picture.

CAREFULLY read each option
on the right.  Pick the one
that is closest to your sample
or describes what you
remember from where you
saw the tree.  Click on the
"key" icon
wpeF.jpg (1022 bytes) to go to the
next set of choices.

To see the entire conifer key on one page, click HERE.
Click HERE to return to the home page.

This site created and maintained by Bill Cook, MSU Extension Forester for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.   Editing and modification is ongoing.  Submit suggestions, questions, and corrections to or call 906-786-1575. 

wpe5.jpg (2127 bytes)U.P. TREE  IDENTIFICATION  KEY
from Michigan State University Extension