Most of the images on this website have been
photographed by Bill Cook, with all rights reserved. Reproduction and use of these
images, or the ID keys and written material, for educational or other non-profit purposes is encouraged.
If you use any images, notification would be appreciated. Use of
the these images for commercial use is prohibited without written permission. Images not photographed by Bill Cook are identified by
source and have been obtained from the public domain or used with written
permission. If you would like to donate photographs to enhance this educational
tool, contact Bill Cook.
To cite this website, the
following format is suggested.
Cook, William. (current year). Upper Peninsula Tree Identification Key. Michigan State University Extension, Forest Biomass Innovation Center, Escanaba, Michigan. Available on-line at http://uptreeid.com.
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This site created and maintained by Bill Cook, MSU Extension Forester for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Editing and modification is ongoing. Submit suggestions, questions, and corrections to cookwi@msu.edu or call 906-786-1575.